Welcome to Wildcat Country!
Join us in encouraging our Wildcats to read, read, read this month! Start picking out some new books and gather your old favorites so you can log your reading minutes. Fill in a book on your reading log for each 20 minutes read and total your minutes. Reading logs are due 12/1/22. We’re sorry, but we cannot accept logs returned after the deadline. All readers will receive a Texas Roadhouse bookmark for a FREE Kid’s Meal!
The following prizes for top reader (based on minutes read) will be awarded:
Preschool & Kindergarten: Scholastic Books Gift Card
1st-5th Grades: Kid’s Kindle with one year of Amazon Kids reading library
Top reading class of each grade level will receive a story time shack
Let’s see what happens when you Give a Wildcat a Book!
Link to reading log: Give a Wildcat a Book